Sunday, September 9, 2012

the night I got to meet matt freeman (rancid, devil's brigade, operation ivy)

one of the best nights ever, heres what happened. when i got my tattoo by lars in november 2010 he told me Matt was bringing Devil's Brigade to dublin I was stoked. really stoked.

Lucky for me I knew the promoters that were putting the show on so I contacted them asking if I could help out. They said I could so i showed up really early to the show that day and helped move gear, bring drinks and food to the backstage area of the venue and so on, some might say thats work but I honestly would have payed to help out, it was fun for me and Gar and Sarah are total legends.

On top of all this a few nights before the show I got devil's brigade tattooed on my leg and after uploading the pic to facebook I got a message from the band informing me I had been put on the guestlist. I was again stoked. really stoked.

So after about an hour or two there, everything was set up and the band were due any minute. I went for a walk with a mate of mine down the street that needed new drum sticks. when I came back to the venue there they were. Matt was sitting down on the stage looking very tired and the others were kinda hanging around. I walked over to them and the guitarist knew my face and had remembered my tattoo. Once Matt saw my tattoo we talked for a minute but than everyone got up again to do sound checks.

When Devil's Brigade did theyre sound check everyone went back up stairs or outside. But not me I stayed for the whole thing and it was sweet. like my own little mini show. after that i went to go meet my wife for a while cause I didnt want Matt to think i was some kind of stalker and maybe an hour later I went back up the long and twisted stairs of Whelan's. the backstage area was full of members and friends of the support bands, many of wich were my friends too. we hung out, had a few beers and I sort of just waited by Devil's Brigades dressing room till i felt the moment was right.

Half way through the second band, Kevin a good mate of mine comes through the door and tells me all their interviews etc are finished and if i want to goo in the dressing room I should do it now. So I  go in there, scared out of my witts and tell Matt how excited I am to meet him and what a dream come true this whole thing is. He was really cool about everything and signed about 20 things for me. He even took a photo of my Devil's Brigade tattoo. i thought that was pretty cool. So I sat down, talked to them for a while and left the room just before they went on. I filmed pretty much the whole show. had a complete blast and after they played hoped a cab to a different venue and saw The Queers who were also great. all in all it was a fantastic night. soo much fun and I hope to meet the legend that is again sometime.

brian mccann jr

devil's brigade (live in dublin) part 1

here it is. me and the man himself, Mr. Matt Freeman. 

my devil's brigade tattoo. 

        heres all the cds and stuff i got signed by Matt, and Lars a few months earlier. 

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