Wednesday, October 17, 2012

tiger army and death march live. this friday night at slims, san francisco.

this friday is gonna be rad in san francisco, Tiger Army live and not only that but Skin Head Rob's new project DEATH MARCH will be playing too. I can't wait. I'm going to record and review the whole thing. stay tuned folks and if your in the bay area. FUCKING GO!

brian mccann jr.

so excited to see death march live and i hope i get the chance to meet skin head rob. 

this will be my 2nd time seeing tiger army but the first time was many moons ago back in ireland with the bastards in 2005. so so so so stoked. 

my big wheel magazine review for bone crusher, harrington saints, blank spots and more. live in oakland.

here it is you guys. what a great night. click the link below. and check out all the bands. brian mccann jr.